Saturday, August 3, 2019

Detrimental Aspects of Animal Experimentation Essay -- Animal Rights

An intense and polarizing deliberation concerning the issue of animal experimentation and the utilization in research has been raging for years. This issue often catches newspaper headlines and strikes the heart of the American public. The opinion of advocates of animal research and the opinion of those who oppose it are quite visible in the media. Both sides tirelessly strive in advancing their unique beliefs. So far as this discussion is specifically focused on the attainment of favorable legislation by one side or the other, special interest groups have been formed by both parties in order to sway the legislators and numerous bureaucrats to their desired side. The frequently hostile dispute regarding animal testing has grown since its inception, predominantly as a result of the efforts and actions taken by numerous celebrities and influential activists. One such group that has intensified the dialogue is PETA, people for the ethical treatment of animals. In an effort to att ain the ultimate goal of their organization and fulfill the charter upon which this advocacy group was founded, a number of employees along with the assistance of millions of fellow sympathizers engage in informative and influential campaigns. These campaigns often use provocative operandi as a means of drawing attention to their cause and furthering their agenda. Estimates given by various animal rights organizations and government institutions yield figures that show upwards of fourteen million rats and mice, and nearly one and a half million species of other animals such as cats and dogs are utilized in experimental research on a yearly basis. What, then, does this experimental research encompass? There are in fact two different variations of ... Accessed April 18, 2012. 3. Psychological and behavioural animal experiments and research testing. International Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals Website. 2011. Accessed April 16, 2012. 4. Greek R, Greek J. Is the use of sentient animals in basic research justifiable? Phil, Eth & Human In Med. January 2010;5:14-29. DOI: 10.1186/1747-5341-5-14 5. Pycroft L, Marston H. Is animal testing necessary to advance medical research? New Internationalist. July 2011:34-36. 6. James-Enger K. Beyond animal testing. Vegetarian Times. Oct 1998:104. 7. Archibald K. Test people, not animals. New Scientist. Sept 2005: 24. 8. Microdosing: current and the future. Future-Science Website. 2010. Accessed April 13, 2012.

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