Friday, May 15, 2020

Ordeal or Reconstruction - 1334 Words

1. What were the four main questions facing peacemakers in 1865? a. The aftermath of the war was crucial due to the fact that the south and north were totally separated during the civil war, but more importantly was that all the fighting had ben done in the south, which meant that the majority of the damage was done in the southern towns. This caused the towns and fields to be ruined, and many properties worthless. So many peacemakers wanted to assure the southerners possessions. b. Secondly the peacemakers were faced with was giving freedom to the black slaves, which meant that would be the end of slavery all together. c. Since after the war the country need much reconstruction within the country to be able to combine the south†¦show more content†¦e. Johnson’s Reconstruction Proclamation: i. His stance on reconstruction was similar to Lincoln’s, in that he was not as harsh on the South as the Radical Republicans in Congress wanted. In May 1865, Johnson issued his Amnesty Proclamation, which required an oath of loyalty from former confederates, who would then be pardoned and have their property restored (except slaves) that had be confiscated by Federal officials during the war. The only people not included in this proclamation were high-ranking military and civilian Confederate officials and those who resigned their positions in the Federal government to serve the in the Confederacy. Johnson issued a second proclamation outlining his plan for how the states should go about getting themselves back into the Union. Under this plan, the President would appoint a governor to each state under reconstruction. 5. What were the effects of the Black Codes? a. The purpose of the black codes was to keep black people from voting. The result was the 15th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which prohibited using race as a reason to prevent people from voting. The emancipation of black slaves in post Civil War America did not run smoothly. Though the slaves had been freed in name, many did not feel secure about giving black people rights. The black codes prevented black Americans from voting and restricted theirShow MoreRelatedFederal Government During Civil War Essay1237 Words   |  5 Pagesfounders believed, that would retard any establishment of monarchial government that the American Revolution was fought upon. However the civil war, and more specifically the Reconstruction period following it tested these principles to the core. While it may be accurate to characterize governmental struggles that defined Reconstruction as ones that were inter-branch, a more detailed and nuanced survey reveals it was borne more so out of ideologies that were incumbent within each branch. This essay surveysRead More Lincoln and the Republicans934 Words   |  4 Pagesoutward appearances. 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