Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The River Of No Return Is An Autobiography Of Cleveland

The River of no return is an Autobiography of Cleveland Sellers. Throughout the book, we get to read firsthand how times were during the Civil rights movement. In ‘The River of No Return’ readers will also perceive the mindset of both African Americans and Caucasian Americans. This autobiography provides eyewitness reports of the strategies and the conflicts in the south that many people have endured for racial justice. Not only does it show the south but it also shows the movement and how it progressed throughout the nation. In the beginning chapters of the book, we get a glimpse of the typical home and community of an African American during segregation. Many Africans Americans were too adjusted to the way of living, that they felt†¦show more content†¦The News spread to the black community faster than a forest fire. Enraged African American’s who wanted to stand up for change, and participate in marches were treated horribly. Many discriminating events occurred before many African Americans decided to stand up for themselves, but Dr. King was the spokesperson for many unspoken blacks. Many were too afraid to speak up, which is why the African American community praised Dr. King. Young African American’s had to take an active role because many older adults were set in their ways, too afraid to do anything. Previously learning in school, The NAACP was the primary group focusing on civil rights. Further reading has shown that this is not completely accurate. Per Cleveland sellers, the NAACP was widely known but had setback from certain events. Many students who were involved in sit-ins before the freedom writers were believed to be under the SCLC or NAACP. As in the book, many African Americans only know of the NAACP. The SNCC group was a small student led group that also planned and participated in demonstrations. The SNCC formed to give younger blacks more of a voice in the civil rights movement because they felt that the S CLC was out of touch for them. With support from Ella Barker the SNCC worked their way into the movement. The SNCC evolved over time, from being a small unknown student organization, to a very knownShow MoreRelated Langston Hughes Essay1464 Words   |  6 Pages Even though his grandmother had a great past and was highly respected in her community, she was very old and poor, and could not give Hughes the attention that he needed growing up. Hughes went to live with his mother in Lincoln, Illinois and Cleveland, Ohio where he went to high school. After the death of Hughes grandmother, he was able to go live with his mother in Lincoln, Ohio for the first time. 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